; *********************************************** ; ; VISTA USE ONLY ; DO *NOT* CUSTOMISE THIS FILE ; ---------------------------------------------------------- ; ; (This file will be replaced by Vista as part of any upgrade process. ; It will allow future upgrades of text to be delivered without the concern that it will overwrite a customer's changes.) ; ; If you wish to customise text found here, COPY the relevant lines from THIS file to the relevant section in the ; UserLang.TXT file ; and customise the text in UserLang.TXT ; (You can make a copy of this entire file and call it UserLang.TXT, but remove this note if you do so.) ; ; Language is handled as follows: ; ; Text in UserLang.TXT overrides text in SystemLang.TXT . If a particular item is found in the USER text file ; then the system will use that text. ; If it cannot find the item there it will use Vista's text found in this SYSTEM file ; ; *********************************************** [visCommon] ;Title appearing in the top "bar" of the browser with the close/maximise/minimize buttons WebSiteTitle = "Movie Tickets" [visOrderDetails] ;This section refers to the details section on visSelectTickets, visSelectSeats and visSelectConcessions lblOrderHeader_New = "You have selected" lblOrderHeader_Current = "Your current selection" lblCinema = "Cinema" lblMovie = "Movie" lblSessionDate = "Date" lblSessionTime = "Show Time" lblScreen = "Screen" lblTicket = "Tickets" lblTktPrice = "" lblTktPoints = "" lblSeats = "" lblTicketSubtotal = "Ticket Subtotal" lblTktTax = "including GST" lblCartSession = "Other shows in your order" lblCartPrice = "" lblCartPoints = "" lblCartOptions = "" ibtnAddSession = "Add New Show" ibtnCheckout = "Checkout" ibtnCartLink = "View your shows" ibtnCancel = "Cancel Order" lblCartDelete = "Remove show from your order" lblCartModifyTickets = "Change tickets for this show" lblCartModifyConcs = "Change food and drink items for this show" ;The tag will be replaced with a points value details_PointsCostFormat = "+ Points" dlgProgressWarning = "Progress on this page will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?" lblTicketSeatsList = "" [visOrderSummary] ;This section refers to the details section on visPayment lblOrderHeader = "You have ordered" lblCinema = "Cinema" lblShows = "Show Details" lblBookingFee = "Booking Fee" lblBookingFee_Unpaid = "Booking Fee (Unpaid Booking)" lblBookingFee_ZeroValue = "Booking Fee (Zero Value Booking)" lblGrandTotal = "Grand Total" lblTotalTax = "including GST" ibtnCartLink = "View your shows" ibtnCancel = "Cancel Order" lblCartDelete = "Remove show from your order" lblCartModifyTickets = "Change tickets for this show" lblCartModifyConcs = "Change food and drink items for this show" lblItemSubtotal = "Subtotal" lblSubtotalTax = "including GST" ;The tag will be replaced with a points value details_PointsCostFormat = "+ Points" lblError = "No shows found in your order" lblTicketSeatsList = "" [visExistingOrder] lblOrderHeader_Current = "Your current selection" lblCinema = "Cinema" lblCartSession = "Shows in your order" lblCartPrice = "" lblCartPoints = "" lblCartOptions = "" ibtnCancel = "Cancel Order" ibtnCheckout = "Checkout" ;The tag will be replaced with a points value details_PointsCostFormat = "+ Points" [visSelectTickets] msgNoScriptWarning="Javascript is required for this page to behave correctly" lblTypeOfTicket = "TYPE OF TICKET:" lblQuantity = "QTY:" lblCost = "COST:" lblSubtotal = "SUBTOTAL:" lblTotal = "TOTAL:" lblLtyPointsCost = "+ Points" lblBkFeeToBeApplied = "* Booking Fee to be applied" lblAboveTicketDetail = "Select the number and type of tickets you wish to buy. Please note seats are reserved on a best available basis.

You can buy a maximum of 10 tickets per transaction.

All voucher tickets will require proof of identification when collecting tickets or having tickets checked by ushers." lblTax = "including GST" lblClockExplanation = "You have been allocated the following amount of time to complete this stage of the booking. If your time runs out, you will be redirected to the timeout page where you can start the process again." lblTimeRemaining = "Time remaining:" lblSpecialTicketToolTip = "Special Ticket. Click for more info" lblWelcome = "Welcome" lblVoucherEntry = "ENTER YOUR VOUCHER CODE:" lblVoucherPINEntry = "ENTER YOUR VOUCHER PIN:" lblTicketCategory_Normal = "STANDARD TICKETS" lblTicketCategory_Loyalty = "LOYALTY TICKETS" lblTicketCategory_Voucher = "REDEMPTIONS AND COMPLIMENTARIES" lblTicketCategory_Special = "SPECIAL OFFERS" lblMembershipCardNumberEntry = "Card Number:" ;dynamic text lblError_NotAvailForSalesChannel = "Sorry, tickets for this screening cannot be purchased on the internet." lblError_ContactCinema = "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the cinema. Please try another cinema or try again later." lblError_Availability = "Sorry, there are not that many tickets available for the selected screening. Please try fewer seats or a different show time." lblError_TechnicalCinema = "Sorry, there seems to be a technical problem at this cinema. Please try another cinema or try again later." lblError_MustAllocateSeats = "You have tickets in your order for a Reserved Seating show. These seats could not be automatically reserved. Please select your seats manually by clicking 'Select Seats'" ;-- The string below will have PARAM_1 substituted for the max ticket amount, you can move it around inside the string but do not remove it! lblError_MaxTickets = "Sorry, you have chosen more than the maximum number of tickets allowed for a single order (PARAM_1). Please select PARAM_1 or fewer tickets." lblError_CouldNotAllocateRow = "Sorry, we could not place all your seats together. Please request fewer seats." lblError_VoucherNotFound = "Sorry, this barcode could not be matched against this session. Please make sure you have entered the code correctly and try again or try another session." lblError_VoucherNotOnSalesChannel = "Sorry, this barcode is not available for use on the web. Please use this voucher when purchasing tickets at the cinema." lblError_NoVoucherEntered = "Please enter a voucher barcode to add to your order." lblError_InvalidVoucherInOrder = "Sorry, a barcode in this order is invalid. Please make sure your barcodes are correct and try again." lblError_OVVDisabled = "Sorry, online voucher validation is not available for this cinema. Please redeem your vouchers at the cinema." lblError_OVVRequiresPIN = "The entered voucher requires a PIN. Please enter the PIN to redeem your voucher." lblError_OVVInvalidPIN = "The entered PIN is invalid for this voucher. Please enter the correct PIN to redeem your voucher." lblError_MultipleAreasSelected = "You have selected tickets in both Premium and Standard seating areas. Please select either Premium tickets OR Standard tickets." lblError_LtyNotEnoughPoints = "You do not have enough points to redeem your selected loyalty tickets. Please remove these tickets and try again." lblError_CookieNotDetected = "Cookies must be enabled to make a purchase. Please check your internet settings and restart your browser to let your changes take effect. Refer to your browser help file for more information." lblError_FunctionDisabled = "Sorry, this function is currently disabled." lblError_LoyaltyNotSignedIn = "You have selected loyalty tickets in your order. Please sign in or remove these tickets to continue with this order." lblError_VoucherAlreadyInOrder = "This voucher has already been used in this order. Please try another voucher, or select tickets to continue with this order." lblError_CouldNotValidate = "Sorry, we were unable to validate your voucher at this time. Please try again later." lblError_LoyaltyVoucher = "This voucher is for a loyalty redemption. Please sign in to use this voucher." ;-- The string below will have PARAM_1 substituted for the max ticket amount, you can move it around inside the string but do not remove it! lblError_ExceededPaymentBasedTicketMax = "Sorry, you have chosen more than the maximum number of special offer tickets allowed for a single order (PARAM_1). Please select PARAM_1 or fewer of these tickets." lblError_SinglePaymentBasedTicketRestriction = "Sorry, you are only allowed to select one special offer ticket type in a single order." lblError_CompVoucher = "Sorry, this voucher is for a complimentary ticket. Complimentary tickets are not allowed for this session." lblError_MemberTicketOnly = "Membership tickets cannot be purchased in the same order as other tickets. Please remove the non-membership tickets from your order before selecting a membership ticket." lblError_NonMemberTicketOnly = "Membership tickets cannot be purchased in the same order as other tickets. Please remove the membership tickets from your order before selecting this type of ticket." lblError_MemberTicketNotValidInCinema = " tickets are not available for sale at this cinema." lblError_LtyCardNumberRequired = "Card number required." [visSelectSeats] lblAppletExplanation = "To change a seat, click a selected seat to free up a seat. Then click any empty seat you wish to sit in. The screen is an indicator of direction only and does not represent actual distances from the seats to the screen." lblAppletFooter = "Note that the system will not allow you to leave a single unoccupied seat between selected seats." lblWelcome = "Welcome" lblAutoReserved = "Your seat" lblEmpty = "Available" lblSold = "Sold" lblSpecial = "Wheelchair" lblHouse = "House" lblSeatPlaceHolder = "In another area" lblSeatSofa = "Sofa" lblTimeRemaining = "Time remaining:" lblBookingFee = "Booking Fee" lblTax = "including GST" lblApplet_msg0 = "We have reserved you these seats. Feel free to change them." lblApplet_msg1 = "Please select the same no of seats as you requested." lblApplet_msg2 = "You cannot leave a single seat gap between your seats and seats sold." lblApplet_msg3 = "You can not select seats that leave a single seat gap." lblApplet_msg4 = "This area's seats are non-selectable." ;The tag is replaced by the name of the seating area that has been clicked. This can be moved as required. lblApplet_msg5 = "You have selected all your seats in this area (). Please try another area." lblApplet_msg6 = "We could not auto-reserve your seats in a block. Please select your seats manually." lblApplet_msg7 = "Your seats have been refreshed with the system reserved seats." lblApplet_msg8 = "Seat(s) left to reserve." lblApplet_msgSeatNotAvail = "This seat is not available for selection." lblApplet_msgWheelchair = "Please note that you have chosen a Wheelchair space. There is no seat in this space." lblApplet_msgNoTicketInArea = "The tickets you have selected are not valid for this area." lblApplet_msgSeatsAllAllocated = "You have selected all the seats in your order. Please de-select a seat to move it." lblApplet_msgSelectCompanionSeat="You cannot select a companion seat unless you also select an adjacent wheelchair seat." lblApplet_msgDeselectWheelchairCompanion="The companion seats for this wheelchair have been deselected." lblApplet_msgSelectPlaceholderSeat="This seat belongs to another area and cannot be selected here." lblApplet_msgIsolatedEndSeat="You cannot select new seats that leave a single seat gap at the end of a row." lblApplet_msgCannotFillSofa="You do not have enough seats to reserve to fill this sofa." lblApplet_msgAutoAllocateSeatsOff="Please select your seats." lblApplet_screenText = "Screen" ;dynamic text lblError_ContactCinema = "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the cinema. Please try another cinema or try again later." lblError_ProblemSettingSeats = "Sorry, there was a problem booking your seats. Please try again or accept the system reserved seats." lblError_SeatsNotAvailable = "Sorry, those seats were sold while you were choosing. Please re-select or accept the system reserved seats." [visPayment] lblCheckDetails = "Please check the movie, date, show time and ticket information listed above is correct.

Note that tickets are reserved on a best available seats basis. All voucher tickets will require proof of identification when collecting tickets or having tickets checked by ushers.

" ;The two following lines can be suffixed with a card type to change the text for a special payment type. ;Add "_" (eg. "lblAbovePayDetail_Visa") after the label to create payment specific text. lblAbovePayDetail = "Please enter your payment details, double check your credit card information is correct, and click the PURCHASE NOW button below to process your transaction." lblPaymentWarning = "When you click on PURCHASE NOW your transaction will be processed and cannot be reversed." lblBelowPayDetail = "" lblBackOptions = "If you have made a mistake, you can use one of the following buttons to correct or cancel your order." lblVerify = "This site uses Thawte SSL security, which provides secure transmission of your private and credit card details over the Internet." lblEmail = "Email" lblCustPhone = "Phone" lblCardName = "Card Name" lblCustName = "Name" lblCardNumber = "Card Number" lblExpiryDate = "Expiry Date" lblCardType = "Payment Method" lblZipCode = "Zip Code" lblAddress1 = "Address" lblAddress2 = "" lblSuburb = "Suburb" lblCity = "City" lblState = "State" lblNoOfInstalments = "No. Of Instalments" lblSendSMSTicket = "Please send me an SMS ticket at a cost of 20 cents to my mobile phone bill" lblMobileMake = "Mobile Make" lblMobileModel = "Mobile Model" lblTerms = "I have read and understood the" lnkTerms = "Terms and Conditions" lblTax = "including GST" lblTimeRemaining = "Time remaining" lblCardCVCNumber = "Card Security Code" lblCardIssueNumber = "Card Issue Number" lblCardValidFrom = "Card Valid From" lblBankAcctNo = "Bank Account" lblBankSortCode = "Bank Sort Code" lblBankName = "Bank Name" lblBookingFee = "Booking Fee" lblWelcome = "Welcome" dropCardTypes = "Please choose one" lblUnpaidWarning = "Important: If you select 'Pay On Pickup' you must turn up to the cinema and pay for your tickets at least 30 minutes before the session starts, otherwise your order will be cancelled." lblPleaseWait = "Please wait while we process your order." radPaidBooking = "Pay now" radUnpaidBooking = "Pay on pickup" lblPayOptions = "We accept the following methods of payment:" imgPayOptions = "Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal, Bankcard" lblPayPal = "Quickly check out using your PayPal account (requires cookies to be enabled)" lblOrSelectPayMethod = "Or" lblPickupComments = "Pickup Comments" lblAsAppearsOnCard = "As appears on card" ; Note: and are replaced with their respective values from the database. chkSaveCard = "Save this card to my wallet" useThisCard = "I would like to use the card ending in expiry " useCardDetails = "Please use the card details below" validate_MustAgreeTerms = "You must agree to the Terms and Conditions to make a purchase" validate_NoEmail = "Please enter an email address" validate_NoCustPhone = "Please enter a contact phone number" validate_InvalidEmail = "Please enter a valid email address" validate_NoCardName = "Please enter a Card Name" validate_NoCustName = "Please enter a Name for you to pick your booking up with" validate_NoCardNumber = "Please enter a Card Number" validate_InvalidCardNumber = "Please enter a valid Card Number" validate_NoCVCNumber = "Please enter a CVC Number" validate_InvalidCVCNumber = "Please enter a valid CVC Number" validate_NoExpiryMonth = "Please choose an expiry month" validate_NoExpiryYear = "Please choose an expiry year" validate_Expired = "The date you have chosen for card expiry is in the past. Please select a valid date" validate_NoCardType = "Please choose a card type" validate_NoZipCode = "Please enter a Zip Code" validate_InvalidZipCode = "Please enter a valid Zip Code" validate_MustAgreeToSMS = "Please confirm acceptance of your SMS ticket" validate_NoPhoneNumberForSMS = "Please enter your phone number to receive your SMS ticket" validate_NoMobileMake = "Please select a mobile make" validate_NoMobileModel = "Please select a mobile model" validate_NoAddress1 = "Please enter an Address" validate_NoAddress2 = "Please enter details for the second Address line" validate_NoSuburb = "Please enter a Suburb" validate_NoState = "Please enter a State" validate_NoCity = "Please enter a City" validate_NoBankAcct = "Please enter your bank account number" validate_NoBankSortCode = "Please enter your bank sort code" validate_NoBankName = "Please enter your bank name" validate_CouldNotValidate = "There was a problem validating your details. Please check that you have filled in everything correctly" validatePayPal_CookieNotDetected = "Cookies must be enabled to make a purchase using PayPal. Please check your internet settings and restart your browser to let your changes take effect. Refer to your browser help file for more information." validate_PaymentInvalidForOrder = "You have selected tickets that cannot be purchased with your current payment details. Please correct your payment details or change the tickets from your order before proceeding" validate_NoOfInstalments = "Please enter the number of instalments" validate_NoOfInstalmentsMin = "Number of Instalments can not be less than " validate_NoOfInstalmentsMax = "Number of Instalments can not be more than " validate_NameContainsNumbersOnly = "Please enter a valid name." ;The tag will be replaced with the selected card type validate_InvalidLoyaltyAsStoredValueCard = "The card number you have entered is not valid for payments. Enter another card number or select a different Payment Method." lblLoyaltySignIn = "I am a Loyalty Cardholder" lblLoyaltyCardNumber = "Membership Number:" lblLoyaltyCardNumber_MemberTicket = "Card Number:" validate_NoLoyaltyCardNumber = "Please enter your membership number" validate_MemberNotFound = "Your membership details could not be found. Please ensure you have entered your email and membership number correctly" validate_LoyaltyDifficulties = "We are currently unable to access the membership system but you may still make a purchase without signing in. You have not been charged. We apologize for the inconvenience." details_Header = "You have selected" details_Cinema = "Cinema" details_Movie = "Movie" details_Date = "Date" details_SessionTime = "Show Time" details_Seats = "" details_TicketType = "Ticket Type" details_ConcessionItem = "Food and Drink" details_TotalPurchase = "Total Purchase" details_PointsCost = "Points Cost" details_PointsCostFormat = " Points" PaymentCardTypes_Visa="Visa" PaymentCardTypes_Mastercard="Mastercard" PaymentCardTypes_Bankcard="Bankcard" ;dynamic text error_PaymentDeclined = "Payment declined:" error_PaymentDeclinedServiceConn = "Payment declined:" error_ContactCinema = "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the cinema. You have not been charged." error_LoadOrder = "Sorry, could not load your order before attempting to pay. You have not been charged." error_CommitAfterPay = "We are very sorry, but there has been a problem between the webserver and the cinema after you have been charged. You can ring the help line to get your money refunded." error_TechnicalCinema = "Sorry, but the cinema does not seem to be setup for payments so we cannot confirm your booking. You have NOT been charged." error_GeneralPayError = "There was a problem making the payment so we could not confirm your order. You have NOT been charged." error_DisplayConfirmation = "Your order has completed successfully. However, there was a problem displaying the confirmation page." error_PleaseTryAgain = "Please try again." error_UnpaidBookingsCutoff = "Sorry, internet bookings are restricted this close to the show start time, please try another show time or book at the cinema." error_InvalidVoucherInOrder = "A voucher in your order is invalid. Reselect your tickets and try again." error_OrderChanged = "Your order has changed, possibly you did this in another browser window. Your order details have been refreshed. Please check the details above and make sure this is the order you want to confirm. You have not been charged." error_PaymentSetupError="Sorry, the site is having trouble making a payment. You have NOT been charged." error_PleaseTryAgain_NewPayType="Please check your details are correct or try again with a different payment method." ;EXAMPLE TEXT SETUP FOR SPECIAL PAYMENT TYPES (REFER TO WEB.CONFIG FOR MORE DETAILS) lblEmail_Payment1 = "Email:" lblCustPhone_Payment1 = "Phone:" lblCustName_Payment1 = "Name:" lblCardName_Payment1 = "Card Name:" lblCardNumber_Payment1 = "Card Number:" lblExpiryDate_Payment1 = "Expiry Date:" lblCardType_Payment1 = "Card Type:" lblCardCVC_Payment1 = "Card CVC:" lblCardIssueNumber_Payment1 = "Card Issue Number:" lblCardValidFrom_Payment1 = "Card Valid From:" lblSendSMSTicket_Payment1 = "Please send me an SMS ticket at a cost of 20 cents to my mobile phone bill" lblMobileMake_Payment1 = "Mobile Make:" lblMobileModel_Payment1 = "Mobile Model:" lblZipCode_Payment1 = "Zip Code:" validate_NoEmail_Payment1 = "Please enter an email address" validate_NoCustPhone_Payment1 = "Please enter a contact phone number" validate_InvalidEmail_Payment1 = "Please enter a valid email address" validate_NoCardName_Payment1 = "Please enter a Card Name" validate_NoCustName_Payment1 = "Please enter a Name for you to pick your booking up with" validate_NoCardNumber_Payment1 = "Please enter a Card Number" validate_InvalidCardNumber_Payment1 = "Please enter a valid Card Number" validate_NoCVCNumber_Payment1 = "Please enter a CVC Number" validate_InvalidCVCNumber_Payment1 = "Please enter a valid CVC Number" validate_NoExpiryMonth_Payment1 = "Please choose an expiry month" validate_NoExpiryYear_Payment1 = "Please choose an expiry year" validate_Expired_Payment1 = "The date you have chosen for card expiry is in the past. Please select a valid date" validate_NoCardType_Payment1 = "Please choose a card type" validate_NoPhoneNumberForSMS_Payment1 = "Please enter your phone number to receive your SMS ticket" validate_NoMobileMake_Payment1 = "Please select a mobile make" validate_NoMobileModel_Payment1 = "Please select a mobile model" validate_NoZipCode_Payment1 = "Please enter a Zip Code" validate_InvalidZipCode_Payment1 = "Please enter a valid Zip Code" validate_NoPickupComments = "Please enter Pickup Comments" validate_NoCardIssueNum = "Please enter a Card Issue Number" lblTicketSeatsList = "" [visSelect] lblStep1 = "1." lblStep2 = "2." lblStep3 = "3." lblSelectCinema = "SELECT A CINEMA:" lblSelectMovie = "SELECT A MOVIE:" lblSelectSession = "SHOW TIMES:" lblSearchByCinema = "Search by Cinema" lblSearchByMovie = "Search by Movie" lblNoMoviesFound = "Sorry, but there are no movies found. Please check again later." lblNoMoviesFoundForCinema = "Sorry, but there are no movies found for the cinema selected. Please check again later." lblNoCinemasFound = "Sorry, but there are no cinemas found. Please check again later." lblNoCinemasFoundForMovie = "Sorry, but there are no cinemas found for the movie selected. Please check again later." lblNoSessionsFound = "Sorry, but there are no show times found for the cinema and movie combination you selected. Please check again later." lnkPrinterFriendly = "Printer friendly show times" lblStep3Selection = "Featured show times in bold" [visError] ;dynamic text lblError = "Sorry, your request could not be processed. Click the 'Back' button to try again." lblError_MaxPaymentAttempts = "Sorry, but you have exceeded the maximum number of failed payment attempts. You have NOT BEEN CHARGED. You can start again by clicking the button below." lblError_SessionNotExist = "Sorry, but there was a problem identifying the show you selected. Please make sure you did not select a show time in the past." lblError_NoTickets = "Sorry, but the website cannot find any tickets for this show. This does not mean that there are no tickets available. Please check again later." lblError_ClosedCinema = "Sorry, this cinema has been temporarily closed by administration. Please try again later." lblError_ClosedSite = "Sorry, this site has been temporarily closed by administration. Please try again later." lblError_CreatePDF = "Your booking was successful but there was a problem creating your Print At Home Ticket. Please print out your confirmation (from the other browser window) and pick up your tickets from the counter." lblError_OrderDeleted = "There has been a problem retrieving your order details. You have not been charged. Please note that ordering tickets (on this website) in a separate browser window (or tab) can interfere with this order. Please try again." lblError_ExternalPayment_BankError = "Sorry, there was an error while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again later." lblError_ExternalPayment_WebError = "We are very sorry, but there has been a problem between the webserver and the cinema after you have been charged. You can ring the help line to get your money refunded." lblError_ExternalPayment_CinemaError = "We are very sorry, but there has been a problem at the cinema and you may have been charged. You can ring the help line to get your money refunded." lblError_ExternalPayment_PrePaymentError = "Sorry, there was an error while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again later." ;NOTE - If using multiple 3DSecure payment gateways, add into the string below if you want to retrieve the phone details of the connector company in case this message occurs. lblError_ExternalPayment_ConnectorCommError = "We are very sorry, but there has been a problem communicating with the bank to confirm your order. You may have been charged. You can ring the bank help line to get your money refunded." [visTimeOut] ;dynamic text lblMessage = "Sorry, but your session has timed out. You can start again by clicking the button below." [visTerms] lblTerms = "Movie tickets can only be purchased from this Website by credit card.

Movie tickets purchased via this Website will be available for collection at the relevant cinema.

Movie tickets purchased via this Website are non-refundable and are not available for exchange, unless required by law.

Prices on this Website include Tax where applicable.

Seat reservation for movie tickets purchased via this Website is on a "best available" basis and is carried out by a prescribed computer program. By purchasing movie tickets via this Website you agree that:

(a) you will accept the seat reserved for each ticket purchased; and

(b) We make no warranties or representations to you that you will be seated in a particular seat, row or section of the relevant cinema.

You agree that we may at our discretion, refuse to sell movie tickets to you or withdraw any movie tickets from sale via this Website.

Movie tickets are made available subject to the classification of the relevant film given by the Office of Film and Literature Classification. Where voucher tickets are purchased, suitable identification must be presented upon collection of the tickets." lblTermsHeader = "SALE OF MOVIE TICKETS" lnkCloseWindow = "Close Window" [visMovies] lblMoreDetails = "More Details" lblMoreDetailsSessions = "More Details and Show Times" lblDirector = "Director(s):" lblRunningTime = "Running Time:" lblMinutes = "mins" lblReleaseDate = "Release Date:" lblSessionDate = "Today," lblBuyTicketsBlurb = "Pick a show time to reserve seats." lnkPrinterFriendly = "Printer friendly show times" lblFeaturedSessions = "Featured show times shown in " lblBold = "bold" lblEventHeader = "Special Events" ;dynamic text lbl_NoCurrentMovies = "Sorry, we couldn’t find any information about now showing films. This is probably just a temporary communication problem. Please check again soon." lbl_NoUpcomingMovies = "Sorry, there is currently no information about upcoming films. Please check again soon." [visMovieInfo] lblRatingSubHeader = "Rating " lblRunningTimeSubHeader = "Running Time " lblGenreSubHeader = "Genre " lblReleaseDateSubHeader = "Release Date " lblActorsSubHeader = "Cast " lblDirectorsSubHeader = "Director(s) " lblAllocatedSeating = "reserved seating: " lblNonAllocatedSeating = "open seating: " lblSoldOut = "sold out or low: " lnkCinema = "Click to display show times" lnkPrinterFriendly = "Printer friendly show times" ;Note is replaced by contents of lblBold lblFeaturedScreen = "featured screen in " lblBold = "bold" txtMinutes = "minutes" txtNoSynopsis = "No synopsis supplied" txtOfficialWebsite = "Official Website" txtOtherWebsite = "Other Website" txtTrailerWebsite = "Trailer" txtComingSoon = "Coming soon" txtNowShowing = "Now showing" txtSelectAnother = "Select another movie" txtToolTipSoldOut = "Sold Out or Low" txtToolTipAllocated = "Reserved Seating" txtToolTipNonAllocated = "Open Seating" txtToolTipExample = "Example show time link only" txtExampleSessionTime = "12:00" txtShowingAt = "Click a cinema to display show times" txtNoCinemas = "We could not find any cinemas showing this movie. Please try again later." txtMovieComingSoon = "This movie is not yet showing. The release date for this movie is " ;dynamic text msgError_MovieNotFound = "Sorry, but we could not find any information about this movie. Please make sure the movie does not appear twice on the previous screen." [visHome] txtNoSynopsis = "No synopsis supplied." [visRatings] lblRatingsHeader = "Explanation of movie ratings" lblRatings = "
  • G Suitable for general audiences of all ages.
  • PG Younger children may require parental guidance.
  • M Suitable for mature persons over 16 years of age.
  • R Restricted to persons over 16 years of age unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • R16 Restricted to persons over 16 years of age only.
  • R18 Restricted to persons over 18 years of age only.

  • Please note that for all Restricted films, suitable proof of age will be required." lblBack = "<< Back" [visPrintAtHome] [visMbrLogin] lblHeader = "Sign in - Enter details" lblEmail = "Email" lblPassword = "Password" lnkForgotPassword = "Forgot password?" lnkRegisterMember = "Not a member yet?" lnkLtyCreateOnlineId = "Create an Online ID" txtRequiredFields = "Please fill in the required fields" lblMessage_errConnect = "Sorry but there was a problem connecting to the server, please try again later" lblMessage_errUser = "More than one user was found with this username and password. Username should be unique in the database, please advise technical personnel." lblMessage_errInvalid = "The e-mail address or password is incorrect. Please check your spelling and try again." lblMessage_errEmail = "Please enter a valid email address" lblMessage_errMbrExistsInactive = "

    Before you can sign in, you need to activate your account. Please check your inbox for an email from us with an activation link that needs to be clicked before your registration is complete

    If you haven't received your activation email and think it might have been lost, please click the 'resend email' button above.

    " lblMessage_errSendEmail = "There was a problem sending your activation email. Please try again later." lblMessage_okSendEmail = "Your activation email has been resent. Please check your email to activate your account." lblMessage_errLoyalty="Sorry, we're having trouble getting member details at the moment. Please try again later" lblMessage_errUsernameNotFound="Sorry, we could not find a record for your user ID. Please reenter and try again." lblMessage_errPasswordNotFound="Your password does not match our records for this account. Please try again." lblMessage_errLoyaltyConnectionTimeout="We are currently unable to access the membership system. Please try again later, or make your purchase without logging-in" lblMessage_errAccountNotActivated="Your loyalty account has not been activated. You must activate your account before you can use it on the web." [visMbrReminder] lblHeader = "Password reminder - Enter sign in email" lblEmail = "Email" lblMessage_errConnect = "Sorry but there was a problem connecting to the server, please try again later" lblMessage_errUser = "More than one user was found with this username and password. Username should be unique in the database, please advise technical personnel." lblMessage_errEmail = "Please enter a valid email address" lblMessage_errInvalidEmail = "There are no accounts in our system with the E-mail address you entered. Please check your spelling and try again." lblMessage_errReminder = "Sorry, there was a problem sending your reminder. please try again later" lblMessage_okReminder = "Reminder sent succesfully" txtRequiredFields = "Please fill in the required fields" txtEmail_Subject = "Your details" [visMbrRegister] lblHeader = "Sign up - Please fill in all the details below" lblFirstName = "First Name" lblLastName = "Last Name" lblEmail = "Email" lblPassword = "Password" txtRequiredFields = "Please fill in the required fields" txtEmail_Subject = "Your Online Movie Tickets Registration" txtEmail_ActivationLinkText = "Click here to return to the site and confirm your registration" lblMessage_errUnexpected = "Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. Please try again later" lblMessage_errMbrExists = "There is already an account in our system with the E-mail address you entered. Please check your spelling and try again, or use the password reminder facility." lblMessage_okSignUp = "Thank you for signing up to our movie tickets service. Your account is not yet active. Please check your email and click the activation link before signing in. If for some reason you cannot click links in an email, you can copy and paste it to the address bar of your web browser" ;Note and are swapped out a number, eg "6" lblMessage_errPwdLength = "Please enter a password that is at least characters long" lblMessage_errPwdLengthBetween = "Please enter a password that is between and characters long" lblDateOfBirth = "Date of Birth" lblGender = "Gender" lblHomeAddress = "Home Address (optional)" lblHomeNumber = "Home Number" lblMobileNumber = "Mobile Number" lblMoviePref = "Movie Preference (optional)" txtDay = "Day" txtMonth = "Month" txtYear = "Year" txtMale = "Male" txtFemale = "Female" txtFilmCategoryPreference = "None,Action,Comedy,Drama,Documentary,Horror,Family,Musical,Romance,Science Fiction,Thriller,War" txtRequiredFields = "Please fill in the required fields" txtInvalidDOB = "Please enter a valid date of birth" txtInvalidPhone = "Please enter a valid phone number" txtUnderMinAge = "You must be or older to register" chkAgreement = "I have read and agree to the" lnkAgreement = "Member agreement" txtAgreementNotChecked = "Please check and accept the agreement before signing up." [visMbrAgreement] lblAgreementHeader = "Member Agreement" lblAgreement = "1.xxxxxxxxxx
    5.xxxxxxxxxx" lnkCloseWindow = "Close Window" [visMbrActivate] lblMessage_okActivated = "Thank you for activating your account. Click the button below to sign in. If you have already selected a show-time in another window, sign in there instead to purchase tickets for that show-time." lblMessage_errActivate = "There was a problem during the activation process. Please try again later." [visMbrBookings] details_Header = "Order history" details_Bookings = "Displaying up to the last 10 bookings." details_BookingDate = "Booking Date:" details_BookingNo = "Booking Number:" details_BookingFee = "Booking Fee" details_Cinema = "Cinema:" details_InclTax = "including GST" details_Price = "Price" details_QtyMultiplier = "x " details_Quantity = "Qty" details_SeatsAllocated = "Seats Reserved" details_SessionAt = "@ " details_TicketType = "Ticket Type" details_ConcessionType = "Concession Type" details_TotalPurchase = "Total Purchase" ;dynamic text success_BookingCancelled = "Your booking has been successfully cancelled." error_NotSignedIn = "Please sign in to view your booking history." error_NoBookings = "We could not find any bookings made under this account." error_BookingAlreadyCancelled = "This booking has already been cancelled at the cinema." error_BookingAlreadyPaid = "This booking has already been paid for, and can no longer be cancelled." error_SessionUnavailable = "This booking could not be cancelled because the session is currently unavailable. Please try again later." error_UnexpectedError = "We are currently experiencing technical difficulties and could not cancel your booking. Please try again later." lblTicketSeatsList = "" [visTicketContents] lblLoyaltyBlurb="This ticket type is only available to Members. Please sign up to our Membership program if you wish to get this ticket type; If you are already a member, please login before attempting to buy this ticket for this show." lblComboBlurb = "This is a combo ticket. A combo is more than just a ticket. Have a look at the contents below. Some combos have more than one ticket and some combos have concessions, like popcorn." lblVoucherBlurb = "This is a voucher ticket. Please check the back of your voucher for the first 3 letters of the barcode. They must match one listed below. Please ensure you take your voucher to the cinema otherwise you will need to pay for your ticket instead." lblVoucherEntryTitle = "Voucher Ticket" lblVoucherEntryBlurb = "This is a voucher ticket. Please check the back of your voucher for the first 3 letters of the barcode. If you have a voucher ticket, you can enter the 3 letters into the box provided and add the voucher to your order." lblTicketSubHeader = "Tickets" lblTicketQtySubHeader = "Quantity" lblItemSubHeader = "Concessions" lblItemQtySubHeader = "Quantity" lblBarcode = "Valid Barcodes" lnkCloseWindow = "Close Window" [visUtilities] txtSunday = "Sun" txtMonday = "Mon" txtTuesday = "Tue" txtWednesday = "Wed" txtThursday = "Thu" txtFriday = "Fri" txtSaturday = "Sat" txtJanuary = "Jan" txtFebruary = "Feb" txtMarch = "Mar" txtApril = "Apr" txtMay = "May" txtJune = "Jun" txtJuly = "Jul" txtAugust = "Aug" txtSeptember = "Sep" txtOctober = "Oct" txtNovember = "Nov" txtDecember = "Dec" ReadText(className, "", "", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("LangDirectory")) [visLtyLogin] lblLoginHeader = "Member Login" lblLtyWelcome = "Welcome" lblLoginBlurb = "Already a member? Please sign in below.
    If you have not signed in before, create an online User ID first by" lnkCreateUser = "clicking here." lblLtyPoints = "Your current points balances:" lblLtyMemberCard = "Membership Card:" lblLtyCardBalance = "Card Balance:" lblLtyEmail = "Email Address:" lblUserName = "User ID: " lblPassword = "Password: " txtForgotPassword_EmailHeader="Your password details" lnkHelp= "Need help?" lnkForgotPwd = "Forget your password?" lnkForgotOnlineID = "Forget your online ID?" lnkNotAMember="Become a member" lblNotAMember="Join our community and become a member. Click here to register." lnkCreateUser2="Create an Online User ID" lblCreateUser2="Members can access their account on the web and earn points for online purchases by creating and using an online user ID." lnkLtyAcctInfo="Account Information" lblLtyAcctInfo="View or edit your account information including name, email address, phone number or email preferences." lnkLtyTrHistory="Transaction History" lblLtyTrHistory="Review your transaction history." lnkLtyRedHistory="Redemption History" lblLtyRedHistory="Review your redemption history." lnkLtyBenefits="Member Benefits" lblLtyBenefits="To review the benefits of being a member of our community, click here." lblShowRecognition_Available="You have earned enough points to redeem the following rewards at your local theater." lblShowRecognition_Next="You do not currently have enough points to redeem a reward. Your next level is listed below." lblLtyLifetimePoints="Your lifetime points balances:" lnkResendActivation="Resend my activation code" lnkLtyBookingHistory="Booking History" lblLtyBookingHistory="Review your Booking History" lblLtyPointsExpiry="Your points will expire on:" lblLtyPointsExpiryItem=" Points will expire on " lblMembership_Expires="Your Membership will expire on " lblMembership_Expired="Your Membership expired on " ;dynamic text lblMessage_errLoyalty="Sorry, we're having trouble getting member details at the moment. Please try again later" lblMessage_errUsernameNotFound="Sorry, we could not find a record for your user ID and password. Please reenter and try again." lblMessage_errPasswordNotFound="Sorry, we could not find a record for your user ID and password. Please reenter and try again." lblMessage_errNotMemberOfClub="Sorry, this login is only for members of Loyalty Club 1.
    You can use your sign in details at http://Cinema.com/VIP" lblMessage_errEnterUserName="Please enter your user ID." lblMessage_errEnterPassword="Please enter your password." lblMessage_errNoEmail="There is no email associated with that account. Visit a cinema for assistance." lblMessage_okReminder="Password reminder sent." lblMessage_errReminder="Password reminder failed. Please visit a cinema for your account details." lblMessage_errLoyaltyConnectionTimeout="We are currently unable to access the membership system. Please try again later, or make your purchase without logging-in" lblMessage_errLtyConnTimeout_ForgotPwd="We are currently unable to access the membership system. Please try again later." lblMessage_errAccountNotActivated="Your loyalty account has not been activated. You must activate your account before you can use it on the web." [visLtyCreateUserID] lblCreateAUserID="Create an Online User ID" lblMembershipCard="* Membership Card#" lblEmail="* Email Address" lblSelectUserID="Select a user ID and password you would like to use to access your account from this website" lblUserID="* User ID" lblConfirmPassword="* Re-enter Password" lblRequiredFields1 = "Fields marked with an" lblRequiredFields2 = "*" lblRequiredFields3 = "must be filled in" txtLoyaltyCreate_EmailHeader = "Membership confirmation" lblWebMemberDetailsBlurb="If you already have a login for our website, enter you login details here" lblWebMemberEmail="Web Member Email" lblWebMemberPassword="Web Member Password" lblMemberPIN="* PIN Number" txtEmail_ActivationLinkText="Click here to activate your loyalty account" ;Note and are swapped out a number, eg "6" lblPassword="* Password
    (must be at least characters)" ;Note: If you want to create a link from this page to the "Become a member" page, put the and tags around the text you want to use as a hyperlink. lblPageText="By creating an online User ID, you can access your membership account from the website to earn points for online purchases, update your account information, or view your recent transaction history.

    You must already be a member to create a User ID. If you are not yet a member, you can become a member by visiting our member signup page.

    To create an online User ID, please enter the following information (please note that it must be the same as you provided when you registered at the theater):

    -Your Membership Card Number (visible on the back of your card)
    -Your Email Address.
    -Select a user ID and Password that you would like to use to access your account from this website.

    If your existing membership account can be validated, your User ID will be activated. You can then login with that User ID to access your account from the home page. If you did not provide an email address or the email address entered does not match that on your original registration, you will not be able to create an online User ID. For more information please see the membership FAQ's in the help section of our website.

    If access to your account cannot be validated, please contact Member Services." lblWebMemberLogin="If you already have a login for our website, please click here to login before signing up." ;dynamic text lblError_errLoyalty="Sorry, we're having trouble getting member details at the moment. Please try again later" lblError_errEnterCardNumber="Please enter a card number." lblError_errCardNumberInvalidChar="Sorry, you have entered an invalid character in your card number." lblError_errEnterEmail="Please enter your email address." lblError_errEmailInvalidChar="Sorry, you have entered an invalid character in your email address." lblError_errEnterUserName="Please enter a User ID." lblError_errUserNameInvalidChar="Sorry, you have entered an invalid character in your user name." lblError_errEnterPassword="Please enter a password." lblError_errEnterPasswordConfirmation="Please confirm your password." lblError_errPasswordsDontMatch="The password you entered does not match that in the confirmation." lblError_errPasswordNotOfRequiredFormat="Please confirm your password is in the required format." lblError_errUserNameExists="The User ID chosen is in use. Please choose another User ID." lblError_errCouldNotUpdate="Your details could not be updated. Please visit a cinema, or try again later." lblError_errNoUser="That is not a valid card number." lblError_errCardInactive="Sorry, the card number you have entered is currently inactive." lblError_errEmailIncorrect="The email address entered does not match the one on record for that card." lblError_errAlreadyAMember="This card has already been assigned an online membership." lblError_errUserNameAlreadyExists="The User ID chosen is in use. Please choose another User ID." lblError_errPasswordLength = "Please enter a password that is at least characters long." lblError_errPasswordLengthBetween= "Please enter a password that is between and characters long." lblError_errCouldNotCreate="Sorry, we could not create your account. Please try again later." lblError_errLoyaltyConnectionTimeout="We are currently unable to access the membership system. Please try again later" lblError_errAccountRequiresActivation="Your account requires activation before you can use it on the web. An email has been sent to you with the activation link, please click that link before logging in." lblError_errIncorrectPIN="Your PIN number does not match your account details" lblError_errInvalidSalesChannel="Sorry, your membership is not valid over the internet." lblError_errMemberNotFound="Sorry, the card number you have entered is not in use." [visLtyCreateUser] lblCreateAUser="Become a Member" lblCreateAUser_Update="Update your account" lblPageText_Update="Update your account and then press save." lblPageText2="We are committed to providing our guests with the best possible experience. The more you tell us about yourself, the better we can serve you." lblPageText2_Update="" lblFirstName="* First Name" lblLastName="* Last Name" lblInitial="Initial" lblAddress1="Address" lblAddress2="Suburb" lblCity="City" lblState="State" lblZip="* Zip" lblEmailAddress="* Email Address" lblEmailOptOut="Email Opt Out" chkEmailOptOut="Do not send me your newsletter" chkEmailOptIn="Please send me your newsletter" lblThirdPartyOptOut="Third Party Offer Opt Out" lblThirdPartyOptIn="Third Party Offer Opt In" chkThirdPartyOptOut="Do not allow third parties to send me special offers" chkThirdPartyOptIn="Allow third parties to send me special offers" lblPhone="Phone Number" lblPhone2="Phone Number (Night)" lblPhone3="Mobile Phone" lblPhoneDescription="Your phone number must be unique and will be your online User ID. Changes to your phone number do NOT update your online User ID." lblPickupComplex="Pickup Complex" lblPreferredComplex="Preferred Complex" lblDateOfBirth="* Date of Birth" lblDateOfBirthDescription="You must be at least 13 years of age to become a member. Month and day (xxyy) will become your PIN. Changes to your Date of Birth do NOT update your PIN" lblGender="Gender" lblEducationLevel="Education Level" lblHouseholdIncome="Household Income" lblPersonsInHousehold="Persons in Household" lblUserName="* User ID" lblPasswordReentry="* Re-Enter Password" cboDOB1="Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec" cboDOB2="1-31" cboDOB3="1920-2006" lblRequiredFields1 = "Fields marked with an" lblRequiredFields2 = "*" lblRequiredFields3 = "must be filled in" ;Persons In Household, Gender, State and Marital Status fields can send a second value to loyalty if different from the display value. Add "|" after the display name and then the value to send back to loyalty to utilise this dual value mode. ;Persons In Household can also work as a range eg "1-10" cboPersonsInHousehold="1-10" cboGender="Female,Male" cboState="Alabama|AL,Alaska|AK,Arizona|AZ,Arkansas|AR,California|CA,Colorado|CO,Connecticut|CT,Delaware|DE,District of Columbia|DC,Florida|FL,Georgia|GA,Hawaii|HI,Idaho|ID,Illinois|IL,Indiana|IN,Iowa|IA,Kansas|KS,Kentucky|KY,Louisiana|LA,Maine|ME,Maryland|MD,Massachusetts|MA,Michigan|MI,Minnesota|MN,Mississippi|MS,Missouri|MO,Montana|MT,Nebraska|NE,Nevada|NV,New Hampshire|NH,New Jersey|NJ,New Mexico|NM,New York|NY,North Carolina|NC,North Dakota|ND,Ohio|OH,Oklahoma|OK,Oregon|OR,Pennsylvania|PA,Puerto Rico|PR,Rhode Island|RI,South Carolina|SC,South Dakota|SD,Tennessee|TN,Texas|TX,Utah|UT,Vermont|VT,Virgin Islands|VI,Virginia|VA,Washington|WA,West Virginia|WV,Wisconsin|WI,Wyoming|WY" lblMaritalStatus="Marital Status" cboMaritalStatus="None,Single,Married,Partnered,Divorced" lblOccupation="Occupation" cboOccupation="High School,University" lblDOB2="Day" lblDOB1="Month" lblDOB3="Year" lnkGenre="Favourite Genres (Click to expand)" chkChangePassword="Check this box if you want to change your password" lblOldPassword="* Old Password" txtLoyaltyCreate_EmailHeader = "Membership confirmation" txtLoyaltyEmailChange_EmailHeader = "Confirm New Email Address" lblExternalId="External ID" lblNationalId="National ID" txtEmail_ActivationLinkText="Click here to activate your loyalty account" txtEmail_VerifyNewEmailLinkText="Click here to update your account to use your new email address" lblEmailFreq="Mailing Frequency" lblMembershipOptOut="Click here if you wish to cancel your membership." lblMembershipReplaceCard="Click here if you wish to replace your card." lblComplexHeader = "Complex" lblFavComplex = "Favourite" lblPrefs = "Preferences" lblMax = "Maximum allowed for this type:" lblPrefFilter = "Filter by Type:" btnHide = "Hide" btnSelect = "Select" ;Note and are swapped out a number, eg "6" lblPassword="* Password
    (must be at least characters)" ;Note: If you want to create a link from this page to the "Create Online User ID" page, put the and tags around the text you want to use as a hyperlink. lblPageText="If you are already a member with a membership card and want to access your account online, you need to Create an Online User ID. If you are not yet a member, you may join below and create an Online User ID at the same time." lblWebMemberLogin="If you already have a login for our website, please click here to login before signing up." ;For purchased memberships lblMembershipPaymentRequired = "Joining Loyalty Membership costs for the first year, and $5 per year thereafter." lblMembershipPaymentRequired_PromoInfo = "If you have a promotion code for the Loyalty Membership, please enter it below:" lblMembershipPaymentRequired_Promo = "Loyalty Membership Promotion Code" ;dynamic text lblError_errPleaseFillInField = "Please fill in " lblError_errInvalidDate="Please enter a valid date." lblError_errNotOfAge="Sorry, you are not old enough to have an account here." lblError_errExistingUserNameNoMatch="Your user ID does not match our records." lblError_errPasswordsDontMatch="The password you entered does not match that in the confirmation." lblError_errExistingPasswordNoMatch="Your password does not match our records." lblError_errPasswordNotOfRequiredFormat="Please confirm your password is in the required format." lblError_errCouldNotCreate="Sorry, we have encountered an error creating your account. Please sign up at the cinema. " lblError_errInvalidEmailFormat="Please enter a valid email address." lblError_errPasswordLength = "Please enter a password that is at least characters long." lblError_errPasswordLengthBetween= "Please enter a password that is between and characters long." lblError_errUsernameExists="Sorry, that user id already exists. Please choose another one." lblError_errLoyaltyConnectionTimeout="We are currently unable to access the membership system. Please try again later" lblError_errAccountRequiresActivation="Your account requires activation before you can use it on the web. An email has been sent to you with the activation link, please click that link before logging in." lblError_errExternalIdExists="Sorry, that external id already exists, please check you have entered your external id correctly." lblError_errInvalidChar = "Sorry, you have entered an invalid character in your ." lblError_errNewEmailRequiresVerifcation="An email has been sent to your new email address. You must click on the link provided in the email to confirm the change.

    Please continue to use your old email address until you have confirmed the change." lblError_errPleaseSelectOne_Genre = "Please select at least one genre." lblError_errMailingFreq="You must select a Mailing Frequency if choose to receive the newsletter" lblError_errInvalidPromoCode = "The promotion code you have entered is invalid." lblError_errMembershipAlreadyExists = "A Loyalty membership already exists with this name." lblError_errInvalidNationalIdLength = "National ID must be characters long." lblError_errInvalidExternalIdLength = "External ID must be characters long." MailingFreq_weekly="Weekly" MailingFreq_monthly="Monthly" MailingFreq_fortnightly="Fortnightly" [visLtyHome] lblLtyHeader = "Loyalty Membership" lblLoyaltyProgHeader = "Membership Program" lblLoyaltyProgBlurb1 = "Becoming a member means becoming a part of the cinema. Our mission is to create an environment where movie lovers can build community around their shared interest in cinema. Our website, exhibits, special presentations and knowledgeable staff all provide enhanced opportunities to explore the world of film. It's easy, it's quick and it's FREE." lblLoyaltyProgBlurb2 = "Benefits include:
    • Points awarded for any purchases, and special rewards for Members only including advance notice via email of films, presentations and events before the general public.
    • Special members-only invitations to select private screenings, Q&As and premieres.
    " lblLoyaltyProgBlurb3 = "You can sign up to become a member by clicking "Become A Member" or by visiting the cinema.
    " lblLtyMemberActivate_Succeeded="Your account has been activated." lblLtyMemberActivate_Failed="Your account could not be activated. Please contact the cinema for assistance." lblLtyMemberEmailChange_Succeeded="Your account has been updated to use your new email address." lblLtyMemberEmailChange_Failed="Your account could not be updated to use your new email address. Please contact the cinema for assistance. You must continue to login using your old email address." lblLtyMemberEmailChange_Failed_UserNameAlreadyInUse="Your account could not be updated to use your new email address because the email address is already in use. You must continue to login using your old email address." lblLtyMemberPurchasedInfo="Your account requires activation before you can use it on the web. An email has been sent to you with the activation link, please click that link before logging in." [visLtyBenefits] lblBenefitsHeader = "Member Benefits" lblBenefits1SubHeader = "Points" lblBenefits1Blurb1 = "Members are awarded points by presenting their card (or membership number or phone number) whenever purchases are made - whether online, over the phone, at automated kiosks; anywhere you purchase items from the cinema." lblBenefits1Blurb2 = "" lblBenefits2SubHeader = "Privileges" lblBenefits2Blurb1 = "We offer special members-only discounts for tickets and merchandise." lblBenefits2Blurb2 = "In addition, via email, members will receive advance notice of films, presentations and events of interest, and when offered, members will be able to purchase tickets in advance of non-members, and will be invited to attend otherwise private screenings, Q&As and premieres." [visLtyTrHistory] lblLtyHistHeader="Transaction History" lblLtyHistBlurb="Showing your last 20 transactions" lblLtyHistPointsBalance="Your current points balances:" lblLtyHistTrDate="Transaction Date" lblLtyHistTrSaleAmt="Amount" lblLtyHistTrTotalPts="Points Balance" lblLtyHistTrPtsEarned="Points Changed" lblLtyHistTrFilm="Film" lblLtyHistTrItemDesc="Description" lblLtyHist_NoValue="-" lblError_errLoyaltyConnectionTimeout="We are currently unable to access the membership system. Please try again later" [visLtyTicketsLogin] lblLtyTicHeader="Would you like to Sign In? (not required)" lblLtyTicHeaderRequired="Loyalty Membership Sign In" lblLtyTicHeaderLoggedIn="Loyalty Membership" lblLtyTicBlurb="Sign in here to use your loyalty account. You may skip this step if you do not wish to use loyalty." lblLtyTicBlurbUnpaidLoyaltyOnly="Sign in here to use your loyalty account. You may skip this step if you do not wish to use loyalty. If you wish to make an unpaid booking, you must sign in to loyalty!" lblLtyTicBlurbLoyaltyLogin="You need to have a loyalty account before you can make an order. Please sign in to your account or create one to start ordering tickets and earning points!" lblLtyTicBlurbWebMemberLogin="If you already have a login for our website and want to skip the loyalty membership login, please click here to login." [visEventInfo] lblMoreDetails = "More Details" lblDirector = "Director(s):" lblOpeningDate = "Opening Date:" lblRunningTime = "Running Time:" lblMinutes = "mins" lblReleaseDate = "Release Date:" lblFeaturedSessions = "Featured show times in " lblBold = "bold" lblEventDescription = "Description" lblEventDate = "Start Date:" txtComingSoon = "Coming soon" txtNowShowing = "Now running" txtSelectAnother = "Select another movie/event" ;dynamic text lblEventStatus_Error = "No movies could be found for this event. Please check again soon." lblEventStatus_ComingSoon = "Sessions for this event are to be announced. Please check later for further details." lblEventStatus_NowShowing = "Click on the showtimes below to purchase tickets for this event, or click on the movie title to show all available showtimes" lblError_NoHTMLPage = "Sorry, no information is available for this event just yet. Please check again soon." [visComingSoonCtrl] txtEvents = "Events" [visNowShowingCtrl] txtEvents = "Events" txtMemberMovieDefn = "* = Member Movie" ;dynamic text lblError = "Sorry, there was a problem getting the show times. Please try again later." [visShowtimes] lblFilterDate = "Date: " lblFilterDateWeek="Week From:" lblFilterCinema = "Cinema: " lblListByCinema = "List by Cinema" lblListByMovie = "List by Movie" lblFeaturedSessions = "Featured show times shown in " lblBold = "bold" lblAllocatedSessions = "Reserved seating show times are displayed like this: " lblUnallocatedSessions = "Open seating show times are displayed like this: " lblSoldOutSessions = "Sold out show times are displayed like this: " lblSessions_Example = "12:00pm" lnkPrinterFriendly = "Printer friendly show times" lblMoreDetailsSessions = "More Details and Show Times" lblDirector = "Director(s):" lblRunningTime = "Running Time:" lblMinutes = "mins" lblMovieFormat = "Movie Format:" ;dynamic text lbl_NoSessions = "Sorry, we couldn’t find any showtimes. This is probably just a temporary communication problem. Please check again soon." lbl_NoSessions_Cinema = "No sessions have been scheduled at this cinema for this date. Please check again soon." lbl_NoSessions_Event = "An event is scheduled for this day. Standard showtimes will be put up at a later date. Please check again soon." [visLtyRedHistory] lblLtyHistHeader="Redemption History" lblLtyHistBlurb="Showing your last 20 redemptions" lblLtyHistRedDate="Redemption Date" lblLtyHistRedName="Reward Name" lblLtyHistRedQty="Quantity" lblLtyHistRedPointsCost="Points Cost" lblError_errLoyaltyConnectionTimeout="We are currently unable to access the membership system. Please try again later" [visLtyForgotDetails] lblForgotTitle_ID="USERNAME REMINDER" lblForgotBlurb_ID="Enter your loyalty card number to get your ID emailed to you. If you did not give an email address when you signed up, please call the help line for assistance." lblForgotInput_ID="Loyalty Card Number" lblForgotTitle_Password="PASSWORD REMINDER" lblForgotBlurb_Password="Enter your username to get your password emailed to you. If you did not give an email address when you signed up, please call the help line for assistance." lblForgotInput_Password="Username " lblForgotTitle_Activation="RESEND ACTIVATION" lblForgotBlurb_Activation="Enter your username to get your activation link emailed to you. If you did not give an email address when you signed up, please call the help line for assistance." lblForgotInput_Activation="Username " lnkCloseWindow="Close Window" txtForgotEmailHeader_ID="Your user details" txtForgotEmailHeader_Password="Your user details" txtForgotEmailHeader_Activation="Your user details" txtEmail_ActivationLinkText = "Click here to return to the site and confirm your registration" ;dynamic text lblMessage_errEnterInput_ID="Please enter a card number." lblMessage_errEnterInput_Password="Please enter your username." lblMessage_errEnterInput_Activation="Please enter your username." lblMessage_errLoyalty="Sorry, we're having trouble getting member details at the moment. Please try again later." lblMessage_errRecordNotFound_ID="Sorry, we could not find a record for that card number. Please reenter and try again." lblMessage_errRecordNotFound_Password="Sorry, we could not find a record for this username. Please reenter and try again." lblMessage_errRecordNotFound_Activation="Sorry, we could not find a record for this username. Please reenter and try again." lblMessage_errNoEmail="There is no email associated with that account. Please visit a cinema for assistance." lblMessage_okReminder_ID="User details reminder sent." lblMessage_errReminder_ID="User details reminder failed. Please visit a cinema for your account details." lblMessage_okReminder_Password="Password reminder sent." lblMessage_errReminder_Password="Password reminder failed. Please visit a cinema for your account details." lblMessage_okReminder_Activation="Activation code sent." lblMessage_errReminder_Activation="Activation code could not be sent. Please visit a cinema for your account details." lblMessage_errLtyConnTimeout_ForgotDetails="We are currently unable to access the membership system. Please try again later." [visConfirmationSelect] details_Header = "Order completed successfully" details_PickupInfo = "Present your print at home or SMS ticket at the cinema usher point for entry to your movie. You can also print out this page for confirmation at the box office." details_PickupInfo_NoDelivery = "For entry to your movie, print out this page for confirmation and present at the box office." details_EmailConfirmation = "You can also use your confirmation email to collect your tickets at the box office if you lose your printed or mobile tickets." details_SMSTicketsInfo_Success = "You should receive an SMS ticket shortly confirming your order. Take your phone to the cinema and show this message to the usher for entry to the movie. Don't forget to visit the candy bar!" details_SMSTicketsInfo_Fail = "Your request for an SMS ticket has not succeeded due to technical difficulties. You can still pick up your tickets using your credit card. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes." details_PrintTicketsInfo = "If you are printing your tickets, you must have Adobe Reader installed. Please visit www.adobe.com and click on 'Get Adobe Reader' if you do not have this installed." details_ErrLoyaltyConnectionTimeout="We are currently unable to access the membership system and have been unable to award points for this transaction. We apologize for the inconvenience." details_Cinema = "Cinema" details_Shows = "Show Details" details_TotalPurchase = "Total Purchase" details_Tax = "including GST" details_BookingNo = "Booking Number" details_LoyaltyDifference = "Points Earned" details_LoyaltyPoints= "Points Balance" txtEmail_Subject = "Confirmation of your order" lblPrintTicketsHeader="Print Tickets" lblPrintTicketsBlurb="Print a copy of your ticket at home. Please enter your email address to have a backup ticket sent to you." lblPrintTicketsEmail="Email" lblSMSTicketsHeader="Send Ticket by SMS" lblSMSTicketsBlurb="Get your ticket sent to your mobile phone. Please enter your phone details for your ticket and your email address to have a backup ticket sent to you." lblSMSTicketsEmail="Email" lblSMSTicketsPhoneNo="Mobile Number" lblSMSTicketsMobileMake="Mobile Make" lblSMSTicketsMobileModel="Mobile Model" imgPrintTickets="Print Tickets" imgSendSMS="SMS Tickets" ;dynamic text lblSuccess_PrintSent="Print at home tickets have been sent to your email address. Take these tickets to the cinema and give them to the usher for entry to the movie." lblSuccess_SMSSent="You should receive an SMS ticket shortly. Take your phone to the cinema and show this message to the usher for entry to the movie." lblError_PrintEmailNotEntered="Please enter your email address to receive confirmation of your order." lblError_PrintEmailIncorrectFormat="Please enter a valid email address." lblError_PrintEmailNotSent="There was a problem sending tickets to your mobile phone. Please print out this page as confirmation of your order at the cinema." lblError_SMSEmailNotEntered="Please enter your email address to receive confirmation of your order." lblError_SMSEmailIncorrectFormat="Please enter a valid email address." lblError_SMSPhoneNotEntered="Please enter your mobile phone number to receive your SMS ticket." lblError_SMSNotSent="There was a problem sending tickets to your mobile phone. Please check your email and print the confirmation of your order at the cinema." lblError_SMSEmailNotSent="There was a problem sending tickets to your mobile phone. Please print out this page as confirmation of your order at the cinema." [visPaymentError] lblError="Sorry, there was an error while processing your payment. You have not been charged. Please ensure you enter your details correctly and try again." lblError_CancelledByUser="You have returned from an external payment site but have not been charged for this order. Please cancel your order or review your order and continue with payment." ;Use the tag to indicate the error ticket to the user when handling payment promotions lblError_PaymentPromotionFail = "Your payment has been declined. You have selected a ticket which is not eligible for your payment card. Please use a valid card or remove these tickets and try again." ibtnCancel="Cancel Order" ibtnTryAgain="Try Again" [visWebPaymentConfirm] lblAbovePayDetail = "Please check the movie, date, show time and ticket information listed above is correct.

    Enter your details below for the delivery of your order confirmation and click the PURCHASE NOW button below to process your transaction.

    " lblPaymentWarning = "When you click on PURCHASE NOW your transaction will be processed and cannot be reversed." lblBackOptions = "If you have made a mistake, you can use one of the following buttons to correct or cancel your order." lblVerify = "This site uses Thawte SSL security, which provides secure transmission of your private and credit card details over the Internet." lblEmail = "Email:" lblCustPhone = "Phone:" lblCustName = "Name:" lblZipCode = "Zip Code:" lblAddress1 = "Address:" lblAddress2 = "Address2:" lblSuburb = "Suburb:" lblCity = "City:" lblState = "State:" lblSendSMSTicket = "Please send me an SMS ticket at a cost of 20 cents to my mobile phone bill" lblMobileMake = "Mobile Make:" lblMobileModel = "Mobile Model:" lblTerms = "I have read and agree to the" lnkTerms = "Terms and Conditions" lblTax = "including GST" lblTimeRemaining = "Time remaining:" lblBookingFee = "Booking Fee" lblWelcome = "Welcome" validate_MustAgreeTerms = "You must agree to the Terms and Conditions to make a purchase" validate_NoEmail = "Please enter an email address" validate_NoCustPhone = "Please enter a contact phone number" validate_InvalidEmail = "Please enter a valid email address" validate_NoCustName = "Please enter a Name for you to pick your booking up with" validate_NoZipCode = "Please enter a Zip Code" validate_InvalidZipCode = "Please enter a valid Zip Code" validate_MustAgreeToSMS = "Please confirm acceptance of your SMS ticket" validate_NoPhoneNumberForSMS = "Please enter your phone number to receive your SMS ticket" validate_NoMobileMake = "Please select a mobile make" validate_NoMobileModel = "Please select a mobile model" validate_NoAddress1 = "Please enter an Address" validate_NoAddress2 = "Please enter details for the second Address line" validate_NoSuburb = "Please enter a Suburb" validate_NoState = "Please enter a State" validate_NoCity = "Please enter a City" validate_CouldNotValidate = "There was a problem validating your details. Please check that you have filled in everything correctly" lblLoyaltySignIn = "I am a Loyalty Cardholder" lblLoyaltyCardNumber = "Membership Number:" validate_NoLoyaltyCardNumber = "Please enter your membership number" validate_MemberNotFound = "Your membership details could not be found. Please ensure you have entered your email and membership number correctly" validate_LoyaltyDifficulties = "We are currently unable to access the membership system but you may still make a purchase without signing in. You have not been charged. We apologize for the inconvenience." details_Header = "You have selected" details_Cinema = "Cinema" details_Movie = "Movie" details_Date = "Date" details_SessionTime = "Show Time" details_Seats = "" details_TicketType = "Ticket Type" details_Concessions = "Food and Drink" details_TotalPurchase = "Total Purchase" details_PointsCost = "Points Cost" details_PointsCostFormat = " Points" ;dynamic text error_ContactCinema = "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the cinema. You have not been charged." error_LoadOrder = "Sorry, could not load your order before attempting to pay. You have not been charged." error_TechnicalCinema = "Sorry, but the cinema does not seem to be setup for payments so we cannot confirm your booking. You have NOT been charged." error_GeneralPayError = "There was a problem making the payment so we could not confirm your order. You have NOT been charged." error_DisplayConfirmation = "Your order has completed successfully. However, there was a problem displaying the confirmation page." error_PleaseTryAgain = "Please try again." error_OrderChanged = "Your order has changed, possibly you did this in another browser window. Your order details have been refreshed. Please check the details above and make sure this is the order you want to confirm. You have not been charged." error_PaymentSetupError="Sorry, the site is having trouble making a payment. You have NOT been charged." [visWebPaymentWait] lblPleaseWait = "Please wait, we are processing your order." lblChargeWarning = "This may take some time, so do not close your browser as you may still be charged." lblThankYou = "Thank you for your patience and for choosing our cinema." imgProcessing = "Checking with cinema" ;MODIFY THESE VALUES IN UserLangAlt.txt lblPleaseWaitAlt = "* Please wait, we are processing your order." lblChargeWarningAlt = "* This may take some time, so do not close your browser as you may still be charged." lblThankYouAlt = "* Thank you for your patience and for choosing our cinema." [visOrderInProgress] lblOrderInProgress = "CURRENT ORDER IN PROGRESS" lblSessionLabel = "Session:" lblLastUpdateLabel = "Last update:" lblMessage1 = "We have detected that you already have an order in progress, possibly in another browser window. If you continue with this booking, you may be charged without reserving tickets!" lblMessage2 = "If you have redirected to a bank payment page, please click 'Cancel' and return to your other window. Complete that order first to reserve your seats at the cinema! Otherwise, you may cancel your existing order and continue with this session by clicking 'New Order'. Remember to close the bank payment page." lblMessage1_NoContinue = "We have detected that you already have an order in progress, possibly in another browser window." lblMessage2_NoContinue = "If you have redirected to a bank payment page, please click 'Cancel' and return to your other window. Complete that order first to reserve your seats at the cinema.

    Otherwise, please wait for us to remove your previous booking before you start a new order. This will take approximately 15 minutes from the time of last update." ibtnContinue = "New Order" ibtnCancel = "Cancel" [visSelectConcessions] lblTimeRemaining = "Time remaining:" lblWelcome = "Welcome" lblAboveConcessionDetail = "Select the number and type of food and drink items you wish to buy.

    You can buy a maximum of 20 items per transaction or spend a maximum of $50." lblPromotionInfo = "If you have been given a promotion code, please enter it into the field provided.
    Click "Check Promotion Code" to update the prices below." lblEnterPromotion = "ENTER PROMOTION CODE:" lblBelowConcessionDetail = "Please ensure you bring the credit card you have used to purchase these items. You need this card to collect the items from the concessions counter." lblConcession = "FOOD AND DRINK:" lblQty = "QTY:" lblCost = "COST:" lblCost_Promotion = "PROMO COST:" lblSubtotal = "SUBTOTAL:" lblTotal = "TOTAL:" btnShowImage = "View Image" lblTax = "including GST" lblBkFeeToBeApplied = "* Booking Fee to be applied" lblLoyaltyConcessions = "LOYALTY" lblConcessionCategory_Loyalty = "LOYALTY FOOD AND DRINK" lblConcessionCategory_Standard = "STANDARD FOOD AND DRINK" ;Load Errors error_NoConcessions = "No food or drink items were found in the database. You may continue your order using the buttons below" error_ConcessionLoad = "Sorry, food and drink sales are unavailable at the moment. You may continue your order using the buttons below" ;Processing Errors lblError_ContactCinema = "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the cinema. Please try another cinema or try again later." lblError_TechnicalCinema = "Sorry, there seems to be a technical problem at this cinema. Please try another cinema or try again later." ;-- The string below will have PARAM_1 substituted for the max concession items amount, you can move it around inside the string but do not remove it! lblError_MaxItems = "Sorry, you have chosen more than the maximum number of items allowed for a single order (PARAM_1). Please select PARAM_1 or fewer items." ;-- The string below will have PARAM_1 substituted for the max concessions value per order, you can move it around inside the string but do not remove it! lblError_MaxValue = "Sorry, you have chosen more than the maximum value of items allowed for a single order (PARAM_1). Please select items to the value of PARAM_1 or less." lblError_AddToOrder = "Sorry, there was a problem adding these items to your order. Please try another item or continuing with your order without food or drink items." lblError_InvalidPromotion = "The promotion code you have entered is invalid." [visConcessionImage] lnkClose = "Close window" [visChooseSession] lblHeader = "Choose your session" lblCinemas = "Cinema" lblMovies = "Movie" lblDates = "Date" lblShowTimes = "Show Time" dropCinemas = "Select Cinema" dropMovies = "Select Movie" dropDates = "Select Day" dropShowTimes = "Select Showtime" lblInstructions = "Start by choosing Cinema, Movie or Date in any order" lblAvailableSeats = "Available Seats:" lnkPrinterFriendly = "Printer friendly show times" [visLtyPurchaseRewardConfirmation] details_ItemRedeemedEmailSent = "You have successfully redeemed this item. A confirmation email has been sent to you." details_ItemRedeemed = "You have successfully redeemed this item." error_NotEnoughPoints = "Sorry, you do not have enough points to redeem this reward." error_AllItemsRedeemed = "Sorry, all of the available items for this reward have been redeemed already." error_NoPickupLocationSelected = "Please select a pickup location." error_GeneralError= "Sorry, your request could not be processed. Please try again later." lblRedeemConfTitle = "Redemption Confirmation" lblRedeemConfDetails = "Please confirm the following details:" lblItemLabel = "Item" lblPointsCodeLabel = "Points Cost" lblRemainingPointsLabel = "Your Points Balance" lblPickupLocationLabel = "Pickup Location" lnkCloseWindow = "Close window" lblPickupLocationDetails_1 = "You must collect this item from a specific cinema complex:" lblPickupLocationDetails_2 = "You must collect this item from a specific cinema complex. Please select which cinema you wish to pick it up from:" ;either or can be used as parameters for this string lblRewardPickupExpiry = "You must collect this item within days (before ) of purchasing this reward." txtEmail_Subject = "Reward Confirmation" txtEmail_NoPickupExpiry = "This reward has no collection due date." [visLtyPurchaseRewards] lblHeader = "Redeem your points" lblDetails = "The list below shows all of the rewards available using the loyalty system.
    You can browse the items using the category buttons and sub category links in the tables underneath.
    Clicking on the 'Redeem' button launches a popup window which provides pickup information for that reward. Once you choose to redeem the reward, your points are deducted and the reward is yours!" lblTime = "Time of update:" lblPointsBalance = "Your Points Balance:" lblErrorMsg = "Sorry, there was an error while processing your request. Please try again later." lblErrorMsg_KioskWrongPin = "Sorry, you are not allowed to access the purchase rewards feature." lblExpiryLabel = "Expiry" lblExpiryLabel_DoesNotExpire = "N/A" lblPointsCost = "Points" lblQtyRemaining = "Remaining" lblQtyRemaining_Unlimited = "N/A" [visLtyAgreement] lblAgreementHeader = "Loyalty Terms And Conditions" lblAgreementBody = "1.xxxxxxxxxx
    5.xxxxxxxxxx" [visMembershipOption] lblWebMemberTitle = "Web Membership" lblWebMemberClickToJoin = "Click here to join the Web Membership System." lblWebMemberDetails = "What is a Web Member?
    xxxxxxxxxxx" lblLoyaltyTitle = "Loyalty Membership" lblLoyaltyClickToJoin = "Click here to join the Loyalty Membership System." lblLoyaltyDetails = "What is a Loyalty Member?
    xxxxxxxxxxx" [visOrderCart] lblClockExplanation = "You have been allocated the following amount of time to complete your booking. If your time runs out, you will be redirected to the timeout page where you can start the process again. You may use the buttons at the bottom of the page to add more shows or to checkout." lblTimeRemaining = "Time remaining:" lblNoOrderInstructions = "You have not selected any shows. Click the 'Add a Show' button below to start your order." lblError_OrderCancelled = "Your order has been cancelled. Please click 'Add a Show' to start a new order." lblError_OrderExpired = "Your order has been cancelled because all showtimes in your order have expired. Please click 'Add a Show' to start a new order." lblError_PaymentInProgress = "Your order is currently in a payment process. Please wait until this has been completed before starting a new order." lblError_CinemaAlreadySelected = "You currently have an order in progress at a cinema. You cannot select shows from another cinema in this order. Please complete your order or cancel before starting a new order." lblError_SessionCancelled = "A show in your order has timed out or been cancelled. Please select a new show time to continue your order." lblError_OrderModified = "While making an adjustment, we have detected a change to your order, possibly in another browser window. Please review the current state of your order above before continuing." lblError_GeneralError = "An unexpected error has occurred while handling your request. Please review the current state of your order above before continuing." lblError_LoyaltyItems = "You have selected some items that require you to be signed into loyalty membership in order to continue. Please sign into your membership account or cancel your order to continue." lblError_OrderModifiedReconfirm = "Your order has been modified. Please reconfirm the items in your order before moving to payment." [visSelectFromCinema] lblInstructions = "To choose another show to add to your order, click on a film title below to reveal showtimes. Then you can select a showtime to select tickets and add the show to your order.
    Featured screens are displayed in bold." lblMoreDetailsSessions = "More Details and Showtimes" lblError_NoSessions = "Sorry, no showtimes were found for this film at this cinema. Please check back with us later." lblError_UnexpectedSessionError = "Sorry, we are experiencing technical difficulties and cannot retrieve showtimes. Please check back with us later." [visShop] label_CategoryAll = "All" label_CallbackError = "An error occurred and your last request could not be processed. Please refresh the webpage in your browser to continue." label_PickupOnly="Items marked with a (*) are pickup only" [visGiftShopCart] error_NumericValues = "Enter valid numeric values only." error_ValuesAboveZero = "Enter valid quantity values only." error_Item = "Item cannot be found." error_OrderQtyExceeded = "Order exceeds maximum number of items allowed." error_OrderValueExceeded = "Order exceeds the maximum total order value allowed." error_OrderQtyWillExceed = "Update would exceed maximum number of items allowed." error_OrderValueWillExceed = "Update would exceed the maximum total order value allowed." error_Validate = "An error occurred and the order could not be validated." error_OrderLocked = "Order cannot be changed at this time. Please complete it or cancel and start again." label_Qty = "Qty" label_UnitPrice = "Unit Price" label_UnitTotal = "Subtotal" label_FooterSubtotal = "Subtotal" label_FooterDelTotal = "Delivery & Handling" label_FooterTotal = "Total (inc GST)" label_Update = "Update" label_Delete = "Delete" label_CallbackError = "An error occurred and your last request could not be processed. Please refresh the webpage in your browser to continue." label_PickupOrder="This order is pickup only, because it contains one or more pickup only items marked with a (*)" [visShopDelMethod] label_DelMethod = "Select a Delivery Method" label_CallbackError = "An error occurred and your last request could not be processed. Please refresh the webpage in your browser to continue." [visShopBillInfo] label_CallbackError = "An error occurred and your last request could not be processed. Please refresh the webpage in your browser to continue." label_BillBusName = "Business Name" label_BillName = "Name" label_BillEmail = "Email Address" label_BillPhone = "Phone Number" label_BillAddress1 = "Address" label_BillAddress2 = "Suburb" label_BillTown = "City" label_BillAddress3 = "State" label_BillPostcode = "Zip" label_BillCountry = "Country" label_DelBusName = "Business Name" label_DelName = "Name" label_DelEmail = "Email Address" label_DelPhone = "Phone Number" label_DelAddress1 = "Address" label_DelAddress2 = "Suburb" label_DelTown = "City" label_DelAddress3 = "State" label_DelPostcode = "Zip" label_DelCountry = "Country" label_CopyBillInfo = "Copy from Billing Information" label_GiftWrap = "Would you like the items gift wrapped?" error_IncompleteFields = "Complete all fields marked with a *" [visShopConfirmation] details_GiftStoreConfirmation = "Your order has been completed. Please print out this page for confirmation." details_GiftStorePickupInfo = "Please remember to bring the booking number and the card used to purchase this order when picking up your order. You can also print out this page for confirmation." details_Header = "Order completed successfully" details_PickupInfo = "Please remember to bring the card used to purchase this order along when picking up your tickets. You can also print out this page for confirmation." details_PickupInfo_NoCardVista = "Please print out this page for confirmation." details_SMSTicketsInfo_Success = "You should receive an SMS ticket shortly confirming your order. Take your phone to the cinema and show this message to the usher for entry to the movie. Don't forget to visit the candy bar!" details_SMSTicketsInfo_Fail = "Your request for an SMS ticket has not succeeded due to technical difficulties. You can still pick up your tickets using your credit card. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes." details_EmailConfirmation = "A confirmation email has been sent to the address you provided" details_ErrLoyaltyConnectionTimeout="We are currently unable to access the membership system and have been unable to award points for this transaction. We apologize for the inconvenience." details_Cinema = "Cinema" details_Shows = "Show Details" details_TotalPurchase = "Total Purchase" details_Tax = "including GST" details_BookingNo = "Booking Number" details_BookingId = "Booking ID" details_BookingFee = "Booking Fee" details_TktVouchers = "Ticket Vouchers Used" details_TransNo = "Transaction Number" details_LoyaltyDifference= "Points Earned" details_LoyaltyPoints= "Points Balance" txtEmail_Subject = "Confirmation of your order" details_ConfirmationError = "Sorry, we have encountered an error retrieving your confirmation details. Your order has succeeded. Click the retry button to try again or contact the cinema with your details to collect your booking." lblItemSubtotal = "Subtotal" details_FreightFee = "Freight Fee" label_CallbackError = "An error occurred and your last request could not be processed. Please refresh the webpage in your browser to continue." [visShopPayment] lblCheckDetails = "" ;The two following lines can be suffixed with a card type to change the text for a special payment type. ;Add "_" (eg. "lblAbovePayDetail_Visa") after the label to create payment specific text. lblAbovePayDetail = "Please enter your payment details, double check your credit card information is correct, and click the PURCHASE NOW button below to process your transaction." lblPaymentWarning = "When you click on PURCHASE NOW your transaction will be processed and cannot be reversed." lblBelowPayDetail = "" lblBackOptions = "If you have made a mistake, you can use one of the following buttons to correct or cancel your order." lblVerify = "This site uses Thawte SSL security, which provides secure transmission of your private and credit card details over the Internet." lblEmail = "Email:" lblCustPhone = "Phone:" lblCardName = "Card Name:" lblCustName = "Name:" lblCardNumber = "Card Number:" lblExpiryDate = "Expiry Date:" lblCardType = "Payment Method:" lblZipCode = "Zip Code:" lblAddress1 = "Address:" lblAddress2 = "" lblSuburb = "Suburb:" lblCity = "City:" lblState = "State:" lblNoOfInstalments = "No. Of Instalments:" lblSendSMSTicket = "Please send me an SMS ticket at a cost of 20 cents to my mobile phone bill" lblMobileMake = "Mobile Make:" lblMobileModel = "Mobile Model:" lblTerms = "I have read and agree to the" lnkTerms = "Terms and Conditions" lblTax = "including GST" lblTimeRemaining = "Time remaining:" lblCardCVC = "Card Security Code:" lblCardIssueNumber = "Card Issue Number:" lblCardValidFrom = "Card Valid From:" lblBookingFee = "Booking Fee" lblWelcome = "Welcome" dropCardTypes = "Please choose one" lblPleaseWait = "Please wait while we process your order." radPaidBooking = "Pay now" radUnpaidBooking = "Pay on pickup" lblPayOptions = "We accept the following methods of payment:" imgPayOptions = "Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal, Bankcard" lblPayPal = "Quickly check out using your PayPal account (requires cookies to be enabled)" lblOrSelectPayMethod = "Or" validate_MustAgreeTerms = "You must agree to the Terms and Conditions to make a purchase" validate_NoEmail = "Please enter an email address" validate_NoCustPhone = "Please enter a contact phone number" validate_InvalidEmail = "Please enter a valid email address" validate_NoCardName = "Please enter a Card Name" validate_NoCustName = "Please enter a Name" validate_NoCardNumber = "Please enter a Card Number" validate_InvalidCardNumber = "Please enter a valid Card Number" validate_NoCVCNumber = "Please enter a CVC Number" validate_InvalidCVCNumber = "Please enter a valid CVC Number" validate_NoExpiryMonth = "Please choose an expiry month" validate_NoExpiryYear = "Please choose an expiry year" validate_Expired = "The date you have chosen for card expiry is in the past. Please select a valid date" validate_NoCardType = "Please choose a card type" validate_NoZipCode = "Please enter a Zip Code" validate_InvalidZipCode = "Please enter a valid Zip Code" validate_NoMobileMake = "Please select a mobile make" validate_NoMobileModel = "Please select a mobile model" validate_NoAddress1 = "Please enter an Address" validate_NoAddress2 = "Please enter details for the second Address line" validate_NoSuburb = "Please enter a Suburb" validate_NoState = "Please enter a State" validate_NoCity = "Please enter a City" validate_CouldNotValidate = "There was a problem validating your details. Please check that you have filled in everything correctly" validatePayPal_CookieNotDetected = "Cookies must be enabled to make a purchase using PayPal. Please check your internet settings and restart your browser to let your changes take effect. Refer to your browser help file for more information." validate_PaymentInvalidForOrder = "You have selected tickets that cannot be purchased with your current payment details. Please correct your payment details or change the tickets from your order before proceeding" validate_NoOfInstalments = "Please enter the number of instalments" validate_NoOfInstalmentsMin = "Number of Instalments can not be less than " validate_NoOfInstalmentsMax = "Number of Instalments can not be more than " lblLoyaltySignIn = "I am a Loyalty Cardholder" lblLoyaltyCardNumber = "Membership Number:" validate_NoLoyaltyCardNumber = "Please enter your membership number" validate_MemberNotFound = "Your membership details could not be found. Please ensure you have entered your email and membership number correctly" validate_LoyaltyDifficulties = "We are currently unable to access the membership system but you may still make a purchase without signing in. You have not been charged. We apologize for the inconvenience." details_Header = "You have selected" details_Cinema = "Cinema" details_Movie = "Movie" details_Date = "Date" details_SessionTime = "Show Time" details_Seats = "" details_TicketType = "Ticket Type" details_ConcessionItem = "Food and Drink" details_TotalPurchase = "Total Purchase" details_PointsCost = "Points Cost" details_PointsCostFormat = " Points" PaymentCardTypes_Visa="Visa" PaymentCardTypes_Mastercard="Mastercard" PaymentCardTypes_Bankcard="Bankcard" ;dynamic text error_PaymentDeclined = "Payment declined:" error_PaymentDeclinedServiceConn = "Payment declined:" error_ContactCinema = "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the cinema. You have not been charged." error_LoadOrder = "Sorry, could not load your order before attempting to pay. You have not been charged." error_CommitAfterPay = "We are very sorry, but there has been a problem between the webserver and the cinema after you have been charged. You can ring the help line to get your money refunded." error_TechnicalCinema = "Sorry, but the cinema does not seem to be setup for payments so we cannot confirm your booking. You have NOT been charged." error_GeneralPayError = "There was a problem making the payment so we could not confirm your order. You have NOT been charged." error_DisplayConfirmation = "Your order has completed successfully. However, there was a problem displaying the confirmation page." error_PleaseTryAgain = "Please try again." error_UnpaidBookingsCutoff = "Sorry, internet bookings are restricted this close to the show start time, please try another show time or book at the cinema." error_InvalidVoucherInOrder = "A voucher in your order is invalid. Reselect your tickets and try again." error_OrderChanged = "Your order has changed, possibly you did this in another browser window. Your order details have been refreshed. Please check the details above and make sure this is the order you want to confirm. You have not been charged." error_PaymentSetupError="Sorry, the site is having trouble making a payment. You have NOT been charged." error_PleaseTryAgain_NewPayType="Please check your details are correct or try again with a different payment method." ;EXAMPLE TEXT SETUP FOR SPECIAL PAYMENT TYPES (REFER TO WEB.CONFIG FOR MORE DETAILS) lblEmail_Payment1 = "Email:" lblCustPhone_Payment1 = "Phone:" lblCustName_Payment1 = "Name:" lblCardName_Payment1 = "Card Name:" lblCardNumber_Payment1 = "Card Number:" lblExpiryDate_Payment1 = "Expiry Date:" lblCardType_Payment1 = "Card Type:" lblCardCVC_Payment1 = "Card CVC:" lblCardIssueNumber_Payment1 = "Card Issue Number:" lblCardValidFrom_Payment1 = "Card Valid From:" lblMobileMake_Payment1 = "Mobile Make:" lblMobileModel_Payment1 = "Mobile Model:" lblZipCode_Payment1 = "Zip Code:" validate_NoEmail_Payment1 = "Please enter an email address" validate_NoCustPhone_Payment1 = "Please enter a contact phone number" validate_InvalidEmail_Payment1 = "Please enter a valid email address" validate_NoCardName_Payment1 = "Please enter a Card Name" validate_NoCustName_Payment1 = "Please enter a Name for you to pick your booking up with" validate_NoCardNumber_Payment1 = "Please enter a Card Number" validate_InvalidCardNumber_Payment1 = "Please enter a valid Card Number" validate_NoCVCNumber_Payment1 = "Please enter a CVC Number" validate_InvalidCVCNumber_Payment1 = "Please enter a valid CVC Number" validate_NoExpiryMonth_Payment1 = "Please choose an expiry month" validate_NoExpiryYear_Payment1 = "Please choose an expiry year" validate_Expired_Payment1 = "The date you have chosen for card expiry is in the past. Please select a valid date" validate_NoCardType_Payment1 = "Please choose a card type" validate_NoPhoneNumberForSMS_Payment1 = "Please enter your phone number to receive your SMS ticket" validate_NoMobileMake_Payment1 = "Please select a mobile make" validate_NoMobileModel_Payment1 = "Please select a mobile model" validate_NoZipCode_Payment1 = "Please enter a Zip Code" validate_InvalidZipCode_Payment1 = "Please enter a valid Zip Code" [visPayWithPoints] lblBlurb = "You can use your loyalty points to redeem items in your order. The 'Redeem' buttons appears next to only those items you have sufficient points to redeem. Click 'Redeem' to use points to redeem those individual items and 'Undo' to reverse this action." lblItemHeader = "Item" lblPriceHeader = "Price" lblPointsRequiredHeader = "Points Required" lblPointsUsedHeader = "Points Used" lblTotalPointsAvailableLabel = "Total Points Available" lblTotalPointsUsedLabel = "Total Points Used" lblAmountSavedLabel = "Amount Saved Using Points" lblOrderTotalLabel = "TOTAL PAYABLE" [visLtyMembershipOptOutConfirmation] lblLtyHeader = "Membership Cancellation" lblConfirmation = "Please confirm you wish to cancel your membership." [visLtyMembershipOptOutComplete] lblLtyHeader = "Membership Cancellation" lblConfirmation = "Successfully cancelled your membership. You have been automatically signed out." [visLtyReplaceCard] lblLtyHeader = "Replace Card" lblReplaceCard = "Please enter your card number." lblCardNumber = "* Card Number" lblReenterCardNumber = "* Re-Enter Card Number" lblRequiredFields1 = "Fields marked with an" lblRequiredFields2 = "*" lblRequiredFields3 = "must be filled in" ;dynamic text lblError_errPleaseFillInField = "Please fill in " lblError_errCardNumbersDontMatch="The card number you entered does not match that in the confirmation." lblError_errInvalidCard = "Invalid card number" [visLtyReplaceCardComplete] lblLtyHeader = "Replace Card" lblConfirmation = "Successfully replaced your card." [visConcessionContents] lblLoyaltyOnly="This concession is only available to Members. Please sign up to our Membership program if you wish to purchase this concession; If you are already a member, please login before attempting to buy this concession." [visLtyMembershipDialog] lblClub="Club" lblExpiry="Expiry Date" lblCard="Card Number"